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The Orthodox Unions "Nach Yomi"-program, som behandlar Job och Höga Visan: https://outorah.org/p/3402
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* Länkar postade på fredag:
Rabbi Yitzhak Breitowitz, Yiboneh
The 3 Weeks and The 21 Days
64 minuter; rätt många oöversatta hebreiska ord och termer
Rabbi Chaim Richman och Jim Long, Jerusalem Lights, Jerusalem
The Philosophy of Evil and the Lesson of Mashiach (Jerusalem Lights Podcast #208)
63 minuter
Rabbi Chaim Freud, BRI Breslov: The Breslov Research Institute
Parshat Matot-Masei - Overview of both parshiyot; Your words have value - they can create Torah!
59 minuter
Rabbi Aaron Dovid Poston, Yiboneh
The Removal of Protection From Israel's Enemies
51 minuter
Rabbi Aaron Dovid Poston, Yiboneh
Trusting in The Salvations of Hashem Especially In Time of War
49 minuter
Rabbi Dovid Kaplan, Ohr Somayach, Jerusalem
Keep Your Word - Mattos
43 minuter
Rabbi Shlomo Schiller, Ohr Somayach
Points That Are Relative to Us From the Parsha
39 minuter
Rabbi Dov Begon, Machon Meir
Sichot with Rosh HaYeshivah Parashat Matot-Massei
24 minuter
Rabbi Eliyahu Pereira, Zfat
Rebbe Nachman of Breslev on Parashat Matot Massei
18 minuter
Rav Yitzchak Berkovits, Aish Yeshiva
Matot - Masei
18 minuter
Rav Gedalia Meyer, The Temple Institute
Weekly Torah Study: Matot-Masei
12 minuter
Reb Chaim Kramer, The Breslov Research Institute
Parshat Matot-Masei
11 minuter
Rabbi Joel Finkelstein
Matot-Masaei : The Mishpacha-State
10 minuter
Rabbi Poliakoff, BK Torah
Parshas Maatos Maasei
5 minuter
Rabbi Doron Perez, World Mizrachi
Is it OK to Take Revenge? | Matot-Masei 5784
4 minuter
Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair, Hidabroot
Everything Is For The Good - Parshat Pinchas
3 minuter
Rabbi Simcha Hochbaum, The Hebron Fund
Hebron: City of Refuge - Parshat Matot-Masei
2 minuter
Dr. Chana Katan, World Mizrachi
Matot Masei 5784
1 minut
Rabbi Joseph Dweck, Senior rabbi of the S&P Sephardi Community of the United Kingdom
Matot-Mas'ei 2024 - How We Got Here (audio)
29 minuter