Jag postar de olika lektioner jag hittar under veckan. (Uppdaterad till fredag)
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The Orthodox Unions "Nach Yomi"-program, som behandlar Jeremia: https://outorah.org/p/3788
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* Länkar postade på fredag:
Rabbi Jay Yaacov Schwartz, Yiboneh
Parshas Bo: Ten Makos and Ten Days of Trump Plus A Lightening Trip to The Holy Rebbe Elimelech tzl
67 minuter
Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz, Yiboneh
How to Achieve Liberation from Your Inner Mitzraim
64 minuter
Rabbi Chaim Freud, BRI Breslov: The Breslov Research Institute
Parshat Bo - Amnesty from servitude to Egypt; we became firstborns to Hashem! Freedom as promised
63 minuter
Rabbi Chaim Richman och Jim Long, Jerusalem Lights
Inner Dimensions of the Ten Plagues
60 minuter
Rabbi Chaim Richman och Jim Long, Jerusalem Lights
Inner Dimensions of the Ten Plagues - Part II
61 minuter
Rabbi Efrem Goldberg, Boca Raton Synagogue, Florida
Parsha Perspectives for Today (Bo, 5785) - A People of Courage
60 minuter
Rabbi Yehoshua Balkany
Torah Insights of Rabbi Balkany: Bo (Video 165)
57 minuter
Rabbi Daniel Glatstein, Hidabroot
The Paradox of the Brightest Darkness - Parshat Bo
53 minuter
Pinchas Winston, Thirtysixorg
The Plagues Were For Whom?
48 minuter
Rabbi Dovid Kaplan, Ohr Somayach, Jerusalem
Deliver Liver - Bo
46 minuter
Rabbi Dovid Kaplan, Ohr Somayach, Jerusalem
Roasted Deity - Bo
37 minuter
Rabbi Dov Begon, Machon Meir yeshiva
Sichot with Rosh HaYeshivah Parashat Bo
24 minuter
Rabbi Aaron L. Raskin
X-Ray Vision and Darkness: A Fascinating Torah Insight | P' Bo
23 minuter
Rabbi Chaim Richman, Jerusalem Lights
Parashat Bo 5785 | 'Sanctify to Me Every Firstborn'
18 minuter
Rabbi David Rosman, Aish Yeshiva
Bo: The Plague of Locusts and the Month of Shevat
17 minuter
Rabbi Alan Kimche
Parshat Bo - Ownership of Time and the Partnership with Hashem
14 minuter
Reb Chaim Kramer, The Breslov Research Institute
12 minuter
Rabbi Joel Finkelstein
Bo : The Jewish Time Machine
12 minuter
Rabbi Tuvia Serber
Overcome limitations
11 minuter
Rav Gedalia Meyer, The Temple Institute
Weekly Torah Study: Bo בא
11 minuter
Rabbi Poliakoff, BK Torah
Parsha Bo and Rosh Chodesh Shevet
8 minuter
Rabbi Doron Perez, World Mizrachi
All for One and One for All | Bo 5785
4 minuter
Rav Ari Cutler, Yeshivat Hakotel
Parshat Bo 5785
4 minuter
Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair, Hidabroot
The Days Of Your Life - Parshat Bo
3 minut
Tova Levine, World Mizrachi
Bo 5785
2 minuter
Rabbi Simcha Hochbaum, The Hebron Fund
Parshat Bo - New Moon, New Redemption
2 minuter
Rabbi Chaim Brovender har postat arton audio-lektioner om veckans Torah-avsnitt:
+ study sheet för senaste lektionen: http://atid.s467.sureserver.com/parshah/bo5785.pdf
Rabbi Joseph Dweck, Senior rabbi of the S&P Sephardi Community of the United Kingdom
Bo 2025 - Attention Please! (audio)
33 minuter