Jag postar de olika lektioner jag hittar under veckan. (Uppdaterad till fredag)
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Läs veckans Torah-text, med många olika kommentarer:
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The Orthodox Unions "Shnayim Mikra"-serie, som behandlar veckans Torah-avsnitt:
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The Orthodox Unions "Nach Yomi"-program, som behandlar Jesaja: https://outorah.org/p/3847
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* Länkar postade på fredag:
Rabbi Chaim Richman och Jim Long, Jerusalem Lights
Why Did They Outlaw Circumcision?
65 minuter
Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz, Yiboneh
Chanukah Insights Beit Hillel and Beit Shamai What's the Difference?
61 minuter; rätt många oöversatta hebreiska ord och termer
Rabbi Yehoshua Balkany
Torah Insights of Rabbi Balkany: Vayigash (Video 161)
53 minuter
Rabbi Aaron Dovid Poston, Yiboneh
For Your Servant Assumed Responsibility
47 minuter
Rabbi Chaim Freud, BRI Breslov: The Breslov Research Institute
Parshat VaYigash - Yaakov Avinu goes down to Egypt in a royal chariot; the light will carry us, iyH
45 minuter
Rabbi Dovid Kaplan, Ohr Somayach, Jerusalem
Face to Face - Vayigash
32 minuter
Rabbi Dovid Kaplan, Ohr Somayach, Jerusalem
Facial Recognition - Vayigash
43 minuter
Rabbi Dovid Kaplan, Ohr Somayach, Jerusalem
Vintage Wine - Vayigash
44 minuter
The Breslov Research Institute
Parshat VaYigash - The 10 Sons/Songs of Binyamin
17 minuter
Rabbi Chaim Richman, Jerusalem Lights
Parashat Va'yigash 5785 | What Really Happened When Joseph Revealed Himself?
14 minuter
Rabbi Alan Kimche
Vayigash - The Genius of Yosef meets the Lion of Yehuda
13 minuter
Rav Gedalia Meyer, The Temple Institute
Weekly Torah Study: Vayigash
12 minuter
Reb Chaim Kramer, The Breslov Research Institute
Parshat Vayigash
12 minuter
Rabbi Joel Finkelstein
Vayigash : Come Together
10 minuter
Rabbi Poliakoff, BK Torah
Parshas Vayigash
7 minuter
Rabbi Tuvia Serber
Is my father still alive?
7 minuter
Rabbanit Nomi Berman, World Mizrachi
Vayigash 5785
3 minuter
Rabbi Simcha Hochbaum, The Hebron Fund
Parshat Vayigash - Chanukah and the Reconciliation of Brothers
2 minuter
Rabbi Chaim Brovender har postat tretton audio-lektioner om veckans Torah-avsnitt:
Rabbi Joseph Dweck, Senior rabbi of the S&P Sephardi Community of the United Kingdom
Vayigash 2025 - Ezekiel, Jung and Integration (audio)
41 minuter