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May 04, 2022
105. Nyheter och kommentarer från Israel (4 maj 2022) (3 Iyar 5782)
May 02, 2022
104. Parshat Emor (3 Mos. 21-24), Psalm 139-147 (Läsare 37) (2 maj 2022) (1 Iyar 5782)
April 27, 2022
103. Nyheter och kommentarer från Israel (27 april 2022) (26 Nisan 5782)
12 hours ago
Biden Thinks Israelis Are Idiots (They Aren't) | Caroline Glick In-Focus

"A recent poll reveals that despite coordinated efforts by the global left, Israeli citizens are undeterred in their fight for survival. On today’s episode of In-Focus, JNS senior contributing editor Caroline Glick reveals the complete poll results and examines what lessons can be drawn from them.

"Glick also discusses the recent anti-government protests in Tel Aviv; real Israeli public sentiment; the current state of hostage negotiations with Hamas; and U.S. President Joe Biden's failed attempts to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu."

September 05, 2024
Danny Danon’s Blunt Message to the UN: ‘Pressure Hamas, Not Israel – The World Must Wake Up!’

"Israeli Ambassador Danny Danon delivers a searing address at the UN Security Council, demanding an immediate condemnation of Hamas. 'After 334 days, we still have 101 hostages in Hamas’s hands, suffering unspeakable horrors,' Danon declares. He reveals the brutal execution of six innocent hostages and calls on the world to stop being complicit in silence. 'Hamas is a terrorist organization, and this Council must officially recognize it as such,' he asserts, emphasizing that global inaction is enabling further atrocities."

"Danon condemns the hypocrisy of the international community: 'You pressure Israel to make concessions while Hamas continues to hold hostages and kill innocents. This is not just a failure of policy—it is a failure of morality.' He urges the Council to adopt a simple resolution condemning Hamas and demanding the immediate release of all hostages."

"In a powerful conclusion, Danon vows that Israel will never abandon its people: 'We will not stop until every one of...

September 05, 2024
"The Israel Guys": We Went to GAZA: What We Saw Was Beyond SHOCKING | Actual Footage

"We recently had the opportunity of a lifetime: to visit Gaza and see first-hand Israel's War they are fighting against Hamas. What we experienced was both SHOCKING and revealing.

"We are currently sorting through our experiences, and plan to bring you several installments about our time in the Gaza Strip. Today however, Joshua gives a glimpse into what it was like to be on the Philadelphi Corridor, seeing Rafah up close, driving along the Egyptian border, and seeing the Mediterranean Sea from a Gaza beach.

"Right now, the world is pressuring Israel to withdraw from the Philadelphi Corridor in Gaza. After what we saw, we can tell you firsthand: this would be disastrous for Israel.

"The world is pressuring Israel to capitulate to Hamas, and make major concessions in an effort to secure a potential ceasefire deal, all in the hopes of saving the hostages still inside Gaza. We can tell you this: capitulating to Hamas will only harm and hinder Israel's efforts to secure the release of the...

9 hours ago
Artiklarna jag postat under den senaste veckan

1 sept: 
After Hostages Executed, Left Blames Bibi | Caroline Glick In-Focus 

2 sept: 
Should Israel Concede or Hold the Line? | Jerusalem Minute 

3 sept: 
Will Protests Bring Home the Hostages?? - September 2 IDSF Daily Briefing

JCFA War Room Briefing: The Expanding Palestinian Terror Wave from Rafah through Ramallah to Jenin

Dr. David Wurmser: Israel - A Kinetic Front of World War III 

4 sept:
Aron Flam reagerar på Palestinas ambassadör i Sverige i SVT

Ny judisk månad - dags att söka efter nymånen! Den nya månadens namn är Elul -- årets sista månad

JCFA: Israel Under Fire – Israel’s Legal Rights Regarding Settlements 


Spotlight on the Israel-Palestinian Conflict (August 20-27, 2024) 

5 sept:
Leaving the Philadelphi Corridor Would be Devastating - September 4 IDSF Daily Briefing 

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Bold Strategy: “No Retreat No Surrender!” 
(Premiärministerns presskonferens)

Biden's Actions Against Israel Are 'Unprecedented' w/ Eugene Kontorovich | The Caroline Glick Show

"The Israel Guys": We Went to GAZA: What We Saw Was Beyond SHOCKING | Actual Footage 

Danny Danon’s Blunt Message to the UN: ‘Pressure Hamas, Not Israel – The World Must Wake Up!’ 

6 sept:
Biden Thinks Israelis Are Idiots (They Aren't) | Caroline Glick In-Focus 

"Bli en Läsare": Veckans Torah-avsnitt - Shoftim (5 Mos. 16:18 - 21:9) 

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10 hours ago
"Bli en Läsare": Veckans Torah-avsnitt - Shoftim (5 Mos. 16:18 - 21:9)

Jag postar de olika lektioner jag hittar under veckan. (Uppdaterad till fredag)

[Som vanligt postar jag veckans läsplan i den första kommentaren nedan.]

Läs veckans Torah-text, med många olika kommentarer:

Om du vill höra hur texten läses i synagogan kan du t.ex. gå till www.vayavinu.com. Jag väljer versionen som säger "Sephardit", dvs. med sefardiskt/"israeliskt" uttal:

The Orthodox Unions "Shnayim Mikra"-serie, som behandlar veckans Torah-avsnitt:
Första aliyahn: https://outorah.org/p/1312
Klicka på "Next" nere till höger på sidan, för att gå till de följande delarna.

The Orthodox Unions "Nach Yomi"-program, som behandlar Första Krönikeboken:  https://outorah.org/p/3330
Klicka på "Next" nere till höger på sidan, för att gå till de följande delarna.

* Länkar postade på fredag:

Rabbi Yitzhak Breitowitz, Yiboneh
Do Not Turn Away From What the Sages Instruct You to Do!!!
68 minuter; rätt många oöversatta hebreiska ord och termer

Rabbi Efrem Goldberg, Boca Raton Synagogue, Florida
Parsha Perspectives for Today (Shoftim, 5784) - Responsibility of Leadership
65 minuter; en hel del oöversatt hebreiska

Rabbi Aaron Dovid Poston, Yiboneh
Drain the Swamp and Root out Corruption
58 minuter

Rabbi Chaim Richman och Jim Long, Jerusalem Lights, Jerusalem
The Challenge of Israel's Spiritual Battles (Jerusalem Lights Podcast #211)
57 minuter

Rabbi Dovid Kaplan, Ohr Somayach, Jerusalem
Tomb Stones - Shoftim
44 minuter

Yitzchak Reuven, The Temple Institute
Temple Talk: Justice, Justice!
35 minuter

The Breslov Research Institute
Parshat Shoftim - The Cities of Refuge and Hope
20 minuter

Rabbi Chaim Richman, Jerusalem Lights
Parashat Shoftim 5784 | The Law of the Accidental Killer
17 minuter

Reb Chaim Kramer, The Breslov Research Institute
Parshat Shoftim
12 minuter

Reb Chaim Kramer, The Breslov Research Institute
6 minuter

Rav Gedalia Meyer, The Temple Institute
Weekly Torah Study: Shoftim
11 minuter

Rabbi Poliakoff, BK Torah
Parshas Shoftim
6 minuter

Rabbanit Shani Targain, World Mizrachi
Shoftim 5784
4 minuter

Rabbi Doron Perez, World Mizrachi
Political Power: Good or Bad? | Shoftim 5784
3 minuter

Rabbi Dov Ber Cohen, Aish Yeshiva
2 Minute Torah for Parshas Shoftim
2 minuter

Rabbi Simcha Hochbaum, The Hebron Fund
Parshat Shoftim, Torah Wisdom and Leadership
2 minuter

Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair, Hidabroot
Freeing The Hostages - Parshas Shoftim
2 minuter

Rabbi Joseph Dweck, Senior rabbi of the S&P Sephardi Community of the United Kingdom
Shofetim 2024 - Get After What's Right! (audio)
32 minuter

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August 30, 2024
"Bli en Läsare": Veckans Torah-avsnitt - Re'eh (5 Mos. 11:26 - 16:17)

Jag postar de olika lektioner jag hittar under veckan. (Uppdaterad till fredag)

[Som vanligt postar jag veckans läsplan i den första kommentaren nedan.]

Läs veckans Torah-text, med många olika kommentarer:

Om du vill höra hur texten läses i synagogan kan du t.ex. gå till www.vayavinu.com. Jag väljer versionen som säger "Sephardit", dvs. med sefardiskt/"israeliskt" uttal:

The Orthodox Unions "Shnayim Mikra"-serie, som behandlar veckans Torah-avsnitt:
Första aliyahn: https://outorah.org/p/1320
Klicka på "Next" nere till höger på sidan, för att gå till de följande delarna.

The Orthodox Unions "Nach Yomi"-program, som behandlar Nehemia och Första Krönikeboken:  https://outorah.org/p/3345
Klicka på "Next" nere till höger på sidan, för att gå till de följande delarna.

* Länkar postade på fredag:

Rabbi Yitzhak Breitowitz, Yiboneh
Elul: Hashem is Rooting For Us
62 minuter; rätt många oöversatta hebreiska ord och termer

Rabbi Efrem Goldberg, Boca Raton Synagogue, Florida
Parsha Perspectives for Today (Re'eh, 5784) - You Choose
61 minuter; en hel del oöversatt hebreiska

Rabbi Chaim Freud, BRI Breslov: The Breslov Research Institute
Parshat Re'eh - Parsha overview: If times are hard, give more Tzedakah! Hashem says, "Test Me!"
55 minuter

Rav Eli Weber, Yeshivat Har Etzion
Ramban on the Torah | Re'eh | 5784
29 minuter

Rabbi Chaim Richman, Jerusalem Lights
Parashat Re'eh 5784 | Does Prophecy Exist Today?
20 minuter

Rabbi Eliyahu Pereira, Zfat
Holy and Happy Eating - Parashat Re'eh - Breslev English
20 minuter

Reb Chaim Kramer, The Breslov Research Institute
Parshat Re'eh
12 minuter

Rav Gedalia Meyer, The Temple Institute
Weekly Torah Study: Re'eh
11 minuter

The Breslov Research Institute
Parshat Re'eh - The 3 Levels of the Vulture
10 minuter

Rabbi Poliakoff, BK Torah
Parshas Re'eh
7 minuter

Rabbi Joel Finkelstein
Re’eh : The War on Poverty
7 minuter

Rabbi Bentzi Mann, World Mizrachi
Re'eh 5784
3 minuter

Rabbi Doron Perez, World Mizrachi
An Extraordinary People | Re’eh 5784
2 minuter

Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair, Hidabroot
The Apprentice - Parshat Re'eh
2 minuter

Rabbi Simcha Hochbaum, The Hebron Fund
Parshat Re'eh - Living in the present
2 minuter

Rabbi Joseph Dweck, Senior rabbi of the S&P Sephardi Community of the United Kingdom
Re'eh 2024 - Special Moments (audio)
23 minuter

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